Treatment Methods in Ayurveda
An Ayurvedic Doctor attempts to balance the disturbed aspects of the three energies Vata, Pitta, or Kapha.
Disease management is completed in two directions:
- SHODHANA: principle of elimination;
- SHAMANA: balancing the disturbed energies and mitigating the symptoms of the disease.
Shodana Treatments
As part of SHODHANA treatment line, medicine , substances or therapies are used to remove a particular amount of energy from the body or its individual parts.
Some examples of SHODHANA ayurvedic treatments are:
- Induced vomiting: vamana;
- Retention of healing oil within the area of the head: shirovasti;
- Clearing the cranial cavities of the top and neck area by pouring healing oil into the nose: nasya.
- Adhobhaghara: impact on the world of the lower a part of the chest down using methods such as:
- Induced laxative effect: virechana;
- Cleansing the world of the colon with enema: vasti.
- Ubhayato bhag hara: removing energy from the upper and lower body parts simultaneously.
There are three main methods of taking Vata, Pitta or Kapha out of the body.
- Vata: vasti (enema);
- Pitta: virechana (induced laxative effect);
- Kapha: vamana (induced vomiting).
Shodhana Chikitsa, or Ayurvedic treatment, relies on Pruvakarma, Panchakarma and Paschatkarma.
- Purvakarma: preparation for body cleansing
- Panchakarma: purifying therapies referred to as vamana, virechana, vasti,nasya, and raktamokshan
- Paschatkarma: therapies and products to get over Panchakarma
Shamana Treatments
SHAMANA is Sanskrit to kill or extinguish. In Ayurveda, Shamana treatment refers to balancing the disturbed energy balance. Shamana is usually recommended for low-temperature periods like winter.
Shamana is performed through:
- Bahya Samshamana: external treatment with herbal powders, pouring curative mixtures on the body, gargling, and anointing certain body parts with therapeutic herbal oil.
- Aabhyantara Samshamana: treatment through internally applied healing substances and mixtures that break down toxins and fat depots;
Shamana makes use of the subsequent methods:
Deepan: trengthening the agni (digestive fire) so on stimulate the appetite.
Pachan: involves methods aiding the digestion of toxins.
Kshuda Nigrah: total or selective starvation is prescribed to the patient to balance energy within the body. This is often beneficial for diseases related to the alimentary canal.
Thrisha Nigrah: to get rid of toxins accumulated within the kidney and urinary systems.
Vyayam: specific exercise routines are prescribed for disorders like obesity, digestive problems, diabetes, etc.
Atap Sevan:.sunbaths for skin diseases, rheumatism, or conditions related to arthritis. This treatment pacifies the Vata energy.
Marut Sevan: involves the utilization of fresh air, especially for treating asthma and diseases related to tuberculosis.